Questions to Ask

Thinking Outside The Box: 120 Weird Questions To Ask Your Friends

weird questions to ask your friends

When you want to have some silly, goofy, and hilarious fun with your friends, asking each other odd and bizarre questions is the best place to start! To help you get started, we’ve compiled this list of weird questions to ask your friends that are guaranteed to be a lot of fun. Expect the answers to be enlightening, surprising, hilarious, and bizarre as they keep you and your pals entertained!

120 Weird Questions To Ask Your Friends

#1. How sad would you be if bananas became extinct?
#2. Do you think an elephant can make a good pet?
#3. How did you learn what it meant to be a man/woman?
#4. What do you think animals think about all day?
#5. Do you ever talk to yourself? If yes, how often?
#6. How long does the 5-second rule last?
#7. Are you more of a fruit or vegetable?
#8. Is time ever actually wasted?
#9. Do you want to read minds? Why/why not?
#10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
#11. How many times a day do you look in the mirror with just your underwear on?
#12. What ice cream flavor do you think best describes your life?
#13. If aliens came to abduct you, would you want to go?
#14. Which comes first, chickens or eggs?
#15. When was the last time you literally stopped to smell flowers?
#16. What is the worst thing you ever did after getting drunk?
#17. Would you still be friends with me if I was a worm?
#18. Name your top five must-haves during a zombie apocalypse.
#19. How seriously do you take tarot readings?
#20. When you poop at home, do you drop your pants around your ankles or take them all the way off?
#21. Who is most likely to give all their money to charity?
#22. Which surgery do you believe should never exist?
#23. Tomorrow, you have a date with someone in this room. Who would be the worst choice?
#24. Who is most likely to die of something stupid?
#25. If you could choose one animal to be able to speak to, what would it be?
#26. What is the craziest thing that you plan to have before dying?
#27. Which celebrity do you think you would be best friends with?
#28. What is a joke you find funny but doesn’t make other people laugh?
#29. Which is one movie that you cannot watch with anyone?
#30. Who is most likely to go hiking with strangers?
#31. Which day does the week start, Sunday or Monday?
#32. What movie do you wish you could forget and re-watch for the first time?
#33. What unwritten rules will you add to the law to exempt you from a specific crime?
#34. Who is most likely to become rich and act like a hero?
#35. What do you bring most to a friendship?
#36. What everyday things do you think are sometimes not regular?
#37. What do you think your five-year-old self will tell you?
#38. What songs are included in the soundtrack to your life?
#39. What is something you refuse to do for any amount of money?
#40. How many times do you lie in a day? Have you ever counted?
#41. Do you do weird things in public when no one is watching?
#42. What’s your favorite word in another language?
#43. Will humans spread out among the stars or be a brief blip in Earth’s history?
#44. Have you ever talked to monkeys?
#45. Do you believe that eternity exists?
#46. Which ridiculous fact do you know that you love bringing up?
#47. If you could go back to high school, would you?
#48. What is the weirdest thing you posted on the internet?
#49. Have you ever tasted your booger when you were a kid?
#50. Have you ever eaten paper?
#51. What part of your body do you want to improve to escape aging?
#52. What can you talk about for hours?
#53. How do you feel about aliens?
#54. What was your silliest solution when the toilet wasn’t flushing in someone else’s house?
#55. Do you smell your armpits?
#56. What if we reverse-evolved into apes again?
#57. What is your “everyday superpower”?
#58. What age will you prefer to stay in forever?
#59. What’s your favorite smell?
#60. What hair color do bald people list on their driver’s licenses?
#61. What will you do if you find out you have a long-lost twin?
#62. Why is the number 11 not pronounced as “onety one”?
#63. A lifetime supply of booze or a lifetime supply of milkshakes?
#64. Which mythical creature do you want to become?
#65. How many times do you poop in a week?
#66. What secrets are you keeping from me?
#67. Ideally, into how many slices should you divide a pizza?
#68. What is the weirdest thing you want to do on your wedding night?
#69. Which Hogwarts house would you want to be in and which would you realistically get sorted into?
#70. If you could only eat one type of cheese for the rest of your life, which type would it be?
#71. What is the pettiest thing you got angry about?
#72. What’s your favorite TikTok trend?
#73. What story would you tell if you were a guest on a late-night talk show?
#74. What are two facts about yourself that are true but sound like lies?
#75. How would you get rid of a dead body?
#76. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?
#77. What made you cut off a friendship?
#78. Why is it called rush hour when it is the slowest time in traffic?
#79. Are you afraid to ride in an ambulance?
#80. Has anyone ever walked into your fart?
#81. What would you do if you woke up to be the only person left on Earth?
#82. Why are we best friends?
#83. How did zoologists know how animals think?
#84. Was Leonardo Dicaprio crazy in “Shutter Island”?
#85. How weird are you on a scale of 1-10?
#86. What is the difference between six and half a dozen?
#87. To fall asleep, how many sheep do you have to count?
#88. What would you do if you won $100 million and your grandpa needed $99 million for life-saving surgery?
#89. What is the one thing you would never buy?
#90. What’s your opinion on cows?
#91. What do you and your family fight about the most?
#92. Why do cats have nine lives?
#93. What is your favorite version of the potato?
#94. If you were to turn into food, what food would you turn into?
#95. What color is a mirror?
#96. Would you rather live a long but poor life or a short but exceedingly wealthy life?
#97. What do you think about getting revenge?
#98. If you had to be half lobster, would you want your top half or bottom half to be lobster?
#99. How will a dog wear pants? On its hind legs, forelegs, or both?
#100. When you put your socks and shoes on, do you do sock, shoe, sock, shoe or sock, sock, shoe, shoe?
#101. At what age do we stop playing with toys?
#102. The first teacher was the student of who?
#103. If vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
#104. Why is it called the first birthday when it is the second?
#105. Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
#106. If you have to wait for a waiter, does that make you the waiter?
#107. Why aren’t humans buried vertically to save more space?
#108. Between mind-reading or time traveling, what magical power would you choose?
#109. If good things come to those who wait, why is procrastination bad?
#110. Do you have a different towel for your buttocks or your face?
#111. What do humanitarians eat if vegetarians eat vegetables?
#112. If a tortoise loses its shell, does it become naked or homeless?
#113. Would you rather be a dragon or a unicorn?
#114. What do you think about something unthinkable?
#115. If a deaf person has a court date, will it still be called a hearing?
#116. If you could exchange lives with one of your siblings, who would it be?
#117. If life is unfair to everyone, does that mean life is fair?
#118. Why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees?
#119. Since it’s your first time searching for it, why is it called research?
#120. What were the Native Americans before Columbus discovered them?

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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