Questions to Ask

Laugh Out Loud: 120 Stupid Questions to Ask Your Friends

stupid questions to ask your friends

If there’s someone you can ask really dumb and stupid questions to, it’s your friends! And these stupid questions to ask your friends are sure to catch you off-guard. But remember, they’re just for laughs and entertainment and should not be the basis of a person’s intelligence or perspective on life. One thing that’s certain is that these questions can lead to some of the funniest and most spontaneous answers ever!

120 Stupid Questions To Ask Your Friends

#1. What is the weight of your brain?
#2. How can you tell if a butterfly is a male or a female?
#3. Would you consider yourself dumb or silly?
#4. Which side of the armrest is yours in a cinema?
#5. Would you go without make-up for the rest of your life or never taste chicken again?
#6. What if men got pregnant instead of women?
#7. Can blind people see their dreams?
#8. Between you and your wife, who would you choose to die first?
#9. How is it not true that the refrigerator is not cold?
#10. Do you ever think that no matter how well the spaghetti is cooked, it is still raw?
#11. What would you ask God if you had the chance?
#12. Why do newborns cry excessively?
#13. What is your favorite aspect about yourself that isn’t physical?
#14. Have you ever eaten a raw egg?
#15. What is the most surprising fact about you?
#16. What are the initial impressions you have of someone?
#17. Would you date someone ten years older than you if they offered you money?
#18. Do they have summers in Canada?
#19. Is it OK to blow out the candles on someone else’s cake?
#20. Do you enjoy breathing?
#21. Do you believe it’s simpler to help others than help yourself?
#22. What’s one thing you’d never share with anyone?
#23. Where do I find ‘Old Zealand’?
#24. What location would you choose for your funeral?
#25. Is it possible for a fish to get dehydrated?
#26. Do dreams come true?
#27. How far is the moon from Jupiter?
#28. In space, where do they get their food?
#29. Have you ever peed while swimming?
#30. Can we have strawberries without straws?
#31. Why didn’t Dora’s parents say anything to her even though she roamed all day?
#32. If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?
#33. Should pineapple pizza be allowed?
#34. What is one question you’ve always wanted to ask a man but are afraid to?
#35. Why do cookies have to be baked rather than cooked?
#36. What’s something that goes up but never comes back?
#37. What is one thing you would avoid doing if you could be a boy for a day?
#38. Who do you wish does not show up at your funeral?
#39. Why do we laugh at funny jokes?
#40. Have you ever had to pee because you were laughing so hard you couldn’t stop?
#41. How did Pinocchio’s nose grow so long?
#42. If you were to appoint a president of the internet, who would it be and why?
#43. Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
#44. When a thought is forgotten, where does it go?
#45. Would you rather face your fears or forget that you have them?
#46. Why does the whole body feel chilly when we drink water and it passes via the esophagus?
#47. What is your strangest habit?
#48. What’s the ugliest item of clothing you own?
#49. Have you ever tasted dog/cat food?
#50. What’s your favorite sleeping position of all time?
#51. Have you ever attended a recorded concert?
#52. Do you still consider Pluto to be a planet?
#53. Favorite smell?
#54. Toilet paper — over or under?
#55. What is the grossest thing you have ever got to witness?
#56. Ever tried talking to your pet?
#57. Why aren’t the alcohol glasses filled all the way to the top?
#58. Are cats mean because they’re bored?
#59. Did you have an imaginary friend? If yes, describe them.
#60. Why is it so difficult for us to do everything effortlessly if our brains can do anything?
#61. Is it possible for you to spend the rest of your life with only one person? If that’s the case, who would it be?
#62. Is it harmful to think too much?
#63. Is there some kind of mermaid training?
#64. Is it possible to look at the sun without tears rolling down your eyes?
#65. If you could remove one color from the world, which would it be?
#66. Are we still alive, or are we on our way out?
#67. Is soup eaten or drunk?
#68. Do mermaids have babies or lay eggs?
#69. Who’s the first person on your “hit list”?
#70. Would you ever jump out of a plane?
#71. What happens if you consume too much caffeine?
#72. Who do you think is the dumbest “Friends” character?
#73. When I do arithmetic, I don’t cheat, yet Y did my X?
#74. Can a piece of chewing gum be digested?
#75. Which body part do you think is useless?
#76. What musical instrument sounds the most irritating to you?
#77. Have you ever tried a combination of fries and vanilla ice cream?
#78. How old do you want to be when you die?
#79. When was the last time you didn’t wash your hair?
#80. What makes you you?
#81. What happens when you stop consuming milk?
#82. Do you sleepwalk?
#83. How many sides does a circle have?
#84. What is the weirdest food combination that you have ever tried?
#85. Why is it that you may drink a drink but not food a food?
#86. According to you, who is the most beautiful living creature?
#87. If you had to lose one hand or one foot, which would you choose?
#88. What’s the first thing you wash in the shower?
#89. Does Cheetos have plastic in them?
#90. Why has Greenland still called Greenland despite the fact that it is covered with ice?
#91. Goku vs. Superman — who’ll win?
#92. Do zombies eat brains because they’re hungry for knowledge?
#93. How long does sleep last?
#94. If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you land?
#95. Who do you think is the happiest animal of all?
#96. What will people be nostalgic for in 500 years?
#97. If roses are red, why are violets blue?
#98. Is it better to put milk first or cereal first?
#99. If a boy named after his dad is called “Junior,” what’s a girl named after her mom called?
#100. If newborns smell good, shouldn’t our smell improve as we age?
#101. If you ever get a chance to change your gender, would you go for it?
#102. Is it true that sand is called sand because it is found between the sea and the land?
#103. Have you ever lied in an interview?
#104. What 3 things would you buy to make the cashier give you a weird look?
#105. Have you ever gotten a whiff of your own fart?
#106. Is it OK to drink water or milk after eating a watermelon?
#107. Do window cleaners get tired of seeing their own reflections all day?
#108. If you could merge two countries, which two would you choose?
#109. What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
#110. How much deeper would oceans be if sponges didn’t live there?
#111. What is the color of water?
#112. Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?
#113. Do you need to set an appointment to see a psychic, or will they be expecting you?
#114. What happens if you paint your teeth white with nail polish?
#115. Which language do you think is spoken in hell?
#116. Are skeletons real or made up?
#117. Would you rather own a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a mouse?
#118. Why is it that when people are asked what they would bring to a deserted island, they never answer “a boat?”
#119. Why are the holes in cats’ fur always in the right places for their eyes?
#120. Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower when he doesn’t usually wear pants?

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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