
20 Signs You Are Unattractive And You Don’t Even Realize It

signs you are unattractive

Although it sucks, being unattractive is not always your fault. There are many factors outside of your control that can affect your image. You can’t change your height, your complexion, or the color of your eyes. And wallowing in self-pity only makes you more unattractive.

Instead, it’s better to find clarity, accept what you cannot change about yourself, and work on the things you can. This article isn’t aimed at disparaging your appearances so much as discussing unattractiveness from a general standpoint. Here are 20 possible signs you are unattractive.

What Makes A Person Unattractive?


Many things go into making a person unattractive from a social perspective. Having a nice face or body does get you far, but without a personality, you might still find yourself rejected. How well you get along with other people is a major contributor to sex appeal.

In the interest of remaining objective, we will discuss both the purely physical and non-physical traits that can make a person unattractive. The silver lining is that there are a lot of things you can work on.

Unattractive Physical Traits

• Poor personal hygiene
• Being badly dressed
• Large or oddly shaped nose
• Skin conditions like acne or blackheads
• Signs of aging
• Obesity or being overweight
• Being ungroomed
• Uneven skin tone

Unattractive Non-Physical Traits

• Impolite or confrontational behavior
• Arrogance
• Self-righteousness
• Narcissism
• Being judgemental
• Desperation
• Loud or attention-seeking behavior

Are You Really Unattractive? Or Is It Just In Your Head?


Take a moment to consider the above-given list of unattractive physical as well as non-physical traits. The list comes from the court of general opinion, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. Does anything on this list resonate with you? What do you find unattractive in others? These are just some questions to think over.

Looking at yourself in the mirror will not really tell you how attractive you are, because your attractiveness lies in the eyes of others, not yourself. When people perceive you, they perceive more than just your looks. They perceive your behavior, your personality, and body language. And you can’t perceive any of those things about yourself by looking in the mirror.

Countless factors add up to make you attractive. And let’s not forget, beauty is subjective. Everyone will probably have a different take on attractiveness. There will always be people who find you unattractive, somewhat attractive, or irresistible.

20 Signs You Are Unattractive

Here are some of the signs that you are unattractive. Just remember, these signs do not serve as any form of indicator for what precisely makes you unattractive.

#1. You Don’t Receive Compliments Very Often

Attractive people are more likely to receive compliments from strangers and friends alike, and not always for their looks. People can compliment them for all sorts of things as a way to get closer to them. If your achievements and positive attributes are often looked over, it may be a sign that you are unattractive.

#2. People Who Approach You Are More Interested In Your Friends

If strangers that approach you tend to show more interest in your friends, there’s a chance you might be unattractive, or just unattractive relative to others in your group.

#3. You Don’t Get A Lot Of Attention On Social Media


If you post a lot of pictures on social media but hardly get any likes or comments, it may be a sign that you are unattractive. It’s like making eye contact. If someone does not want to engage with you, they will generally ignore your posts.

#4. You Dread Looking In The Mirror

If you hate looking in the mirror and make it a point to walk past them quickly, it may be a sign you’re unattractive. This would probably be a subconscious perspective you have of yourself.

#5. You Are Not Approached With Sexual Intent

If you have never been approached by anyone with the intention of getting close to you physically or emotionally, it’s a sign you are unattractive.

#6. You Have Low Self-Confidence

Your personality does a lot of work to carry your attractiveness. Having low confidence is a major sign of being attractive.

#7. You Have Social Anxiety


Have a hard time approaching people or dread being approached? Social anxiety can be very unattractive, especially in men.

#8. People Are Impolite To You

Sometimes, people may have no compunction about being rude to you because you’re not attractive.

#9. You Get Fewer Chances Than Attractive People

Attractive people seem to get away with more things and get more chances, right? If that’s never happened with you, you may be unattractive.

#10. You Dress Poorly

If you’re not dressed to impress and are not even making an effort, that can make you attractive.

#11. You Are Poor


There are many factors that go into making the sum of a person’s attractiveness. In a competitive society, money is arguably the biggest factor underpinning how attractive you are.

#12. Your Advances Are Ignored By The Opposite Sex

Do the things you say or do to get the other sex’s attention get ignored often?

#13. People Tend To Pity You

Being pitied is a major sign that you are unattractive.

#14. Poor Personal Hygiene

Having good hygiene and staying in shape can make the largest difference in attractiveness. More so than most people give it credit for.

#15. Your Opinions Are Often Unvalued


Is nobody interested in what you have to say, even though you have clearly put some effort into your insights? They may be finding you attractive.

#16. You Are Not Offered Help Often

Attractive people don’t need to ask for help. They’re more likely to be offered help from strangers and other friends without having to ask for it.

#17. You Are Often Unnoticed

Do people walk past you without acknowledging your presence? It’s not a sure sign but that does describe the world of an unattractive person.

#18. You Are Picked Among The Last For Things

It’s like PE all over again. Being chosen last can either be a sign of low competence or unattractiveness.

#19. You Have Trouble Finding Clothes That Fit

Being overweight or obese is rarely attractive.

#20. You Aren’t Treated Well In Your Relationships

Relationships and dating are supposed to be fun and invigorating. But if you find yourself having to carry your relationship most of the time and your efforts aren’t reciprocated, it may be a sign you are unattractive.

What Makes An Unattractive Personality?


Here is a list of personality traits that are often considered unattractive from a dating perspective:

• Lack of compassion or empathy
• Proclivity toward drama
• Being deceptive
• Insecurity
• Vanity
• Pessimism
• Over competitiveness
• Low confidence and self-esteem
• Hostility
• Closed-mindedness

How Do You Deal With Being Unattractive?

Before going any further, we need to talk about the distinction between sexual attractiveness and social desirability. Sexual attractiveness is your ability to attract a partner, whereas social desirability helps you attract anyone.

A person can be socially undesirable but sexually attractive, and vice versa. However, the two are not mutually exclusive. The area of overlap is larger than most people think.

Increasing your social desirability by being more polite and classy can have massive spillover effects on your sexual attractiveness. And this works both ways. Improving your looks by wearing better shoes or getting a haircut that suits you will have spillover effects on your social desirability, which you can then use to expand your social circle and make friends.

Learning how to carry your looks with pride and dignity is the best way to deal with your flaws. It may take more time for you to grow on people if you don’t have the genetics of a model, but the fruit of patience is sweeter.

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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