
How To Get Your Parents To Say Yes To You

how to get your parents to say yes

Being under the guardianship of your parents means you will have to repeatedly convince them of things you want to do or places you want to go.

While sometimes they are easily convinced, other times it can be a bit of a challenge.

If you have a parent who is too reserved or worried about your safety, you must have gotten used to “no’s”. However, do not let that discourage you. Here are some of our expert tips that will get you a “yes” even before you know it.

How To Get Your Parents To Say Yes: 8 Tips

Before we get onto the tips, here is something that you need to understand.

Parental decision-making is almost instantaneous—it doesn’t take much thought. Things are almost always black and white. It is the subconscious mind that can help you get a yes or a no.

So, what you have to do is alter their subconscious mind in your favor. Now, let’s see how you can achieve that and how to get your parents to say yes.

P.S. Your parents love you the most. You must respect their decision and realize that they always want the best for you.

1. Do Something For Your Parents

Give your parents something before you ask for something. Your love and gratitude will prompt your parents to say “yes”.

You don’t have to go overboard, as they love you unconditionally anyway. However, the gesture has to be meaningful and genuine.

You could give them a hug, tell them how special they are, volunteer to walk the dog, or do the dishes.

The thing with humans is that we like to reciprocate. So, when you give someone something, they want to return the favor.

2. Be Honest About Your Plan

Kids never grow up in the eyes of their parents. They are always that innocent child who could trip on the stairs or get caught in a wire.

Your parents’ greatest worry is that you’ll get hurt. So, you need to be open about your plans and convince them you can handle the particular situation.

If possible, give them an emergency contact or address to reach you if it gets late or they get worried.

3. Be Enthusiastic About What You Want

If you want permission to attend a party or a concert, get your parents to understand how important it is for you. Tell them how the particular artist inspires you to be a better person every day or how a party will broaden your limited social circle.

If you need new shoes or dresses, you can show them your old ones and help them understand that you need one for an occasion or party.

4. Make Your Request Look Smaller

Do you know something called “the anchoring effect”?

It is a marketing tactic where a customer is presented with one “high-quality” product at a higher price and then those that are less expensive. The customer’s psychological makeup anchors them to the first price, and they will make all subsequent decisions based on it. In this case, the lower-priced product will seem like a great deal.

So, in your case, say you want to buy something for $20. Instead of asking your parents for that $20, casually talk to them about costlier products, like those that cost $100 or $200. Don’t say you want them, but remember to mention the price.

Now talk about the $20 product you want. As your parents have already anchored to the initial amount of $200, $20 seems like a paltry amount.

They will mentally compare the cost of the two items, something called contrast principle, and you have won the game.

5. Remind Them That Their Youth Is Fleeting And So Is Their Time With You

You can talk to your parents about all their adventures when they were your age. Talk about how those incidents improved their lives and made them more mature and responsible. Tell them that your youth is flying away, and soon you will be too old to do the cool stuff.

If that doesn’t work, you can talk about the little time you have with each other and that you will miss them when you go to college. Get them to feel some emotion, then strike while the iron is still hot.

6. Ask For Something Small First

Get your parents into the habit of saying yes by asking for smaller favors regularly. Avoid asking for things they will be hesitant to say yes to initially.

So, if you want to attend a night out or go on a date, regularly ask your parents for permission for less important things like going to a restaurant with friends, hanging out in a park, or spending an evening with friends.

Also, ensure you follow all the rules and do not disappoint them. If they trust you and get used to you going out, you may eventually get permission for a date or a night out.

7. Make Them Feel That The Idea Is Theirs

Parents think that they know what is good and bad for you. While they are often right, sometimes, they are not. It is pointless to try and persuade them. Instead, sell them on the idea and be open to taking suggestions. Include them in your plan and make it look like a family decision.

8. Admit Your Mistakes

Showing your parents you are trustworthy is most important if you want to hear “yes”.

While you may be afraid to admit your mistake and think it will close doors for future permissions, it is quite the opposite.

If your parents find out from someone else, they will feel betrayed and lose trust in you. But if you admit your mistake even when you are afraid and ashamed, you will earn your parents’ love, trust, and respect.

They will trust you to make sensible decisions and that you will always ask for help if needed. Earning their trust will be a great plus point when you and your parents debate why you must or must not be allowed a particular thing.

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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