
20 Daily Journal Prompts For Mental Health And How It Helps

journal prompts for mental health

Journaling is one of the most popular and effective ways to deal with the stress of the daily grind. It offers a healthy and effortless outlet for your pent-up emotions and anxieties. Journaling may seem time-consuming or difficult, but once you get started, you’ll find yourself pouring out your thoughts and feelings effortlessly.

This article takes a closer look at the benefits of journaling and presents a list of journaling prompts for mental health.

How Journal Prompts And Mental Health Are Connected


Numerous studies have established a connection between journaling and improved mental health. Journaling prompts help guide the journaling process and make it easier for you to form clear thoughts.

They help you focus on specific emotions and questions to better process your feelings and respond better to the situation.

When you regularly pen down your thoughts and feelings, whether positive or negative, it helps you learn more about yourself and gain a better perspective of your life. This, in turn, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression while also helping you make better life decisions.

Recognize The Signs Of The Need For Journal Prompts


While you can simply start writing and journaling your thoughts, there are times when you need a little more help. Here are some signs that you may need to refer to journal prompts:

#1. You have too many things to say, but you are not sure where to start.
#2. You need directions and guidance in processing your thoughts and emotions.
#3. You feel like you could keep writing for hours and need help to narrow down your thoughts.
#4. You have too many conflicting and contradictory thoughts and need to gain clarity.

Different Journaling Techniques


There are no specific rules in journaling. You can be as creative as you want; there is no wrong way to journal.

Here are some standard journaling techniques that are popularly used to make writing more exciting and fun.

#1. Free Writing

This technique involves writing whatever you want in your journal, including quotes, song lyrics, and emoticons. There is no structure or limit to what or how you should write. It’s a great way to let go and just write whatever comes to your mind.

#2. Art Journal

If you love doodling and art, this is the perfect journaling method for you as you can express your thoughts through drawings and paintings. You can simply doodle, make stick figures, paint, or add photos.

#3. Bullet And Checklist Journaling

Bullet journaling, popularly called BuJo, is a type of journaling that is more focused on organization. It essentially helps you make lists and organize your day as you try to sort out your emotions when dealing with a situation.

20 Journal Prompts For Mental Health


#1. List 3 things towards which you feel gratitude.
#2. Elaborate on 5 things about yourself that you wish people knew.
#3. Discuss your 1 long-term goal and 3 short-term goals.
#4. Think about one person who is important in your life and for whom you feel grateful.
#5. List 5 things that make you feel anxious, and determine 3 coping strategies that can help you combat these feelings.
#6. Choose 1 positive word you want to focus on for the day and discuss what feelings it evokes in you.
#7. Which quote do you want to manifest this week? Explain how you can implement it in your life.
#8. List out the things you are currently avoiding dealing with.
#9. Make a list of 10 self-care strategies you have tried and rate them from 1-10 — 1 being the least effective and 10 being the most effective.
#10. Discuss something that makes you feel fulfilled.
#11. Write a love letter to yourself.
#12. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself.
#13. Describe a place that makes you feel at peace and relaxed.
#14. What are some aspects of your everyday life that trigger stress or frustration? What methods do you use to cope with them?
#15. Think about your relationships and determine the type of boundaries you could set to safeguard your wellbeing.
#16. Write about an act of kindness or selflessness you did. How did it make you feel?
#17. What kind of future do you imagine for yourself?
#18. Think about your previous relationships and what you have learned from them — both good and bad.
#19. What do you value the most in your relationships with your romantic partners, friends, or family?
#20. What are the three things that you believe are working well in your current relationship?

5 Tips For Writing Your Journal Prompts


#1. Make It A Habit.

You don’t need to write every day but don’t ignore journaling for more than a week. Consider setting aside 15 -20 minutes to write at least three times a week. Choose a time when you have enough time for yourself to just reflect and write.

#2. You Don’t Need To Be A Writer.

Don’t worry about using proper grammar, high-brow words, or any other rules of writing. You’re not writing to impress anyone. You are putting your thoughts into words for yourself and nobody else.

#3. Always Be Honest.

Your journal is a documentation of your feelings, reactions, and thoughts, and you need to be truthful about it all even if it may make you look bad as a person. If you are feeling angry, write it down and explain why.

You’ll feel better and may even realize that you are in the wrong and could have handled a situation better. Only when you are truthful about everything can you learn and grow as a person.

#4. Date Your Journal Entries.

You can assume that you have the best memory, but after a few months or years, you may not remember your experiences. It’s a good idea to add the date of your journal entry. It’ll help you reflect and may help you compare how you reacted to similar incidents at different points in your life.

#5. Be Creative And Express Yourself Freely.

Your journal entry yesterday could be just three sentences long, while today you filled up three pages. You can write as little or as much as you want. Write poems, anecdotes, lyrics, or add pictures.

Benefits Of Journal Prompts For Mental Health

#1. It is an effortless coping strategy that lets you assess your emotions without the pressure of sharing or talking about them with somebody else.
#2. Journal prompts can steer you to answer difficult questions and develop resolutions to restructure and re-balance your current situation.
#3. You can identify your triggers, realize patterns that upset you, and help you better manage them.
#4. They allow you to look back and appreciate how you have grown as a person.
#5. Journal prompts can help you learn to be kinder to yourself and teaches you to prioritize yourself.

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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