
Pet Parenting 101: How Much Does It Cost to Declaw a Cat?

how much does it cost to declaw a cat

For most cat parents, the question of declawing is one they wonder about the most. What is declawing? Is it safe? How much does it cost to declaw a cat? If you have asked yourself any of these questions, read on. This article will answer them all and help you make the best decision for your pet.

What Does Declawing Mean?

Most people believe that declawing cats is the equivalent of humans trimming their nails every once in a while. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Declawing is actually a surgical procedure that entails removing the last bone on the cat’s every toe. If you want a comparison involving humans, declawing would be the equivalent of amputating your fingers at the last knuckle.

Is It Legal?

This question isn’t that simple to answer, as it depends on where you live. For example, certain US states (New York) and cities such as LA and Austin have all banned cat declawing.

The same is the case for many countries in the world, including England, Spain, New Zealand, and Australia. Thus, check your state or county laws to learn more about the legalities.

How Is a Cat Declawed?


Doctors declaw cats by surgically removing the last bit of bone on each of their toes. After the procedure, the cat will no longer have any claws, nor will they grow.

The most common procedures for declawing a cat are standard surgery and laser surgery. Standard declawing includes cutting the bone with a scalpel and closing the wounds with stitches. Laser surgery is faster, somewhat less messy, but also more expensive.

How Much Does It Cost to Declaw a Cat?

The cost of a declawing procedure ranges between $200 and $800. The range is so wide due to different factors. These include your cat’s age, which vet you choose, the meds necessary for after the surgery, and any existing medical conditions your cat might have. If there are any complications during the surgery, the price can also rise.

The Ideal Feline Candidate

The best candidates for a declawing procedure are cats that are no older than six months. Such cats will heal faster and won’t experience as much pain. The older the cat, the bigger the possibility of complications is. Thus, if you have to declaw your cat, do it as early as possible.

Should You Do It?

Should You Do It

Generally speaking, no. Declawing is a rather inhumane and painful procedure that isn’t necessary in most cases. It removes a cat’s first level of defense and can lead to many behavioral problems in the future. The only time that this procedure is necessary is in the case of a tumor near the claws or any other life-threatening condition.

Alternatives to Declawing

If you just want to stop your cat from scratching everything around itself and ruining your clothes and furniture, you can try some alternative solutions.

For one, you can have a vet trim your cat’s nails from time to time. It won’t hurt them, and it will do the job nicely.

Alternatively, you can try soft paws as well. Soft paws are plastic pads that a vet glues to your cat’s claws, rendering them ineffective or at least taking away their sharpness. Once these fall off, you can simply replace them with new ones.

Whichever option you choose, your cat will not be in any pain or danger, and your furniture will be safe from its claws.

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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