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Treading the Floral Path: Exploring 45 Flowers That Start with T

flowers that start with T

Embark on a journey through the mesmerizing world of 45 flowers that start with T. From the vibrant petals of tulips to the delicate blooms of trilliums, these floral wonders captivate with their beauty and grace. In this article, we explore a diverse array of T flowers, each with its unique charm and significance.

Join us as we unravel the enchanting stories behind these botanical treasures, uncovering the splendor of tiger lilies, the elegance of tiare flowers, and much more. Get ready to be inspired by the enchanting realm of T flowers that add vibrancy and joy to our gardens and landscapes.

1. Tulip (Tulipa)


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Tulips are iconic spring flowers known for their elegant, cup-shaped blooms in a wide range of colors. These beloved flowers symbolize love and are cherished for their vibrant hues and graceful form.

2. Trillium (Trillium spp.)


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Trilliums are delicate wildflowers with three-petaled blooms that come in various colors, including white, pink, red, and yellow. These spring-blooming beauties often grow in woodland settings and add a touch of natural charm to gardens.

3. Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium)

Tiger Lily

Image source: Pinterest

Tiger Lilies are stunning perennials with showy, orange, or red flowers adorned with dark spots. Their striking appearance and sweet fragrance make them popular choices for garden borders and floral arrangements.

4. Torenia fournieri (Wishbone Flower)

Torenia fournieri

Image source: Pinterest

Wishbone Flower is an annual plant that produces petite, tubular blooms in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white. These charming flowers thrive in shady areas, adding a burst of color to garden beds or hanging baskets.

5. Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican Sunflower)

Tithonia rotundifolia

Image source: Pinterest

Mexican Sunflower is a tall annual plant with vibrant orange or red daisy-like flowers. These eye-catching blooms attract butterflies and hummingbirds, making them a delightful addition to sunny borders or wildflower gardens.

6. Thunbergia alata (Black-eyed Susan Vine)

Thunbergia alata

Image source: Pinterest

Black-eyed Susan Vine is a vigorous climbing vine with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of yellow, orange, or white. This charming annual adds a vertical dimension to trellises, arbors, or containers.

7. Tradescantia (Spiderwort)


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Spiderwort is a perennial plant that produces clusters of vibrant, three-petaled flowers in shades of purple, blue, pink, or white. These eye-catching blooms open in the morning and close by midday, adding dynamic beauty to gardens.

8. Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)

Tropaeolum majus

Image source: Pinterest

Nasturtium is a versatile annual plant that offers colorful, edible flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. These vibrant blooms, with their unique spur-like shape, add a spicy flavor and a pop of color to salads or garden borders.

9. Tamarix (Tamarisk)


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Tamarisk is a graceful shrub or small tree with feathery foliage and clusters of tiny pink or white flowers. These drought-tolerant plants are often used in coastal landscapes or as ornamental accents in gardens.

10. Tiare Flower (Gardenia taitensis)

Tiare Flower

Image source: Pinterest

Tiare Flower, also known as Tahitian Gardenia, is a fragrant tropical flower with glossy, white petals and a sweet scent. It holds cultural significance in Polynesian traditions and is often used in leis or as an ornamental plant.

11. Thalictrum delavayi (Meadow Rue)

Thalictrum delavayi

Image source: Pinterest

Meadow Rue is a perennial flower known for its airy, fern-like foliage and clusters of small, fluffy flowers in shades of purple, pink, or white. It brings grace and elegance to woodland gardens or perennial borders.

12. Tritonia crocata (Flame Freesia)

Tritonia crocata

Image source: Pinterest

Flame Freesia is a cormous perennial that produces clusters of vibrant, funnel-shaped flowers in fiery shades of red, orange, or yellow. These dazzling blooms add a burst of color to garden beds or rock gardens.

13. Thymus vulgaris (Common Thyme)

Thymus vulgaris

Image source: Pinterest

Common Thyme is a perennial herb with small, fragrant flowers that range in color from white to pink or purple. These blooms attract bees and other pollinators while adding beauty and culinary value to herb gardens.

14. Thunbergia grandiflora (Blue Trumpet Vine)

Thunbergia grandiflora

Image source: Pinterest

Blue Trumpet Vine is a vigorous climbing vine that displays stunning blue, trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow throats. It adds a tropical touch to trellises, arbors, or fences, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies.

15. Tigridia pavonia (Tiger Flower)

Tigridia pavonia

Image source: Pinterest

Tiger Flower is a bulbous plant that produces vibrant, exotic-looking blooms in shades of orange, red, yellow, or pink, often adorned with contrasting spots or patterns. It adds a touch of drama to summer gardens or container displays.

16. Tropaeolum peregrinum (Canary Creeper)

Tropaeolum peregrinum

Image source: Pinterest

Canary Creeper is an annual climbing vine that features bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers against a backdrop of lush green foliage. Its cascading growth habit makes it ideal for hanging baskets or trellises.

17. Tulbaghia violacea (Society Garlic)

Tulbaghia violacea

Image source: Pinterest

Society Garlic is a clump-forming perennial known for its strappy leaves and clusters of purple, star-shaped flowers. It adds a pop of color and a mild garlic-like fragrance to herb gardens or borders.

18. Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower)

Tithonia diversifolia

Image source: Pinterest

Mexican Sunflower is a tall annual plant with vibrant orange or red flowers that resemble smaller versions of sunflowers. These eye-catching blooms attract pollinators and add a bold statement to summer gardens.

19. Tacca chantrieri (Black Bat Flower)

Tacca chantrieri

Image source: Pinterest

Black Bat Flower is a tropical perennial known for its striking black flowers with long, whisker-like bracts. This exotic-looking plant adds intrigue and curiosity to shaded gardens or container displays.

20. Tradescantia pallida (Purple Heart)

Tradescantia pallida

Image source: Pinterest

Tradescantia pallida, commonly known as Purple Heart or Purple Queen, is a trailing perennial with striking purple foliage that adds a touch of drama and beauty to gardens and landscapes. The lance-shaped leaves are a rich, vibrant purple color that intensifies under bright sunlight. This plant is often used as a ground cover or in hanging baskets to showcase its cascading growth habit.

21. Tulipa sylvestris (Woodland Tulip)

Tulipa sylvestris

Image source: Pinterest

Woodland Tulip is a wildflower species with graceful, yellow flowers that bloom in early spring. It thrives in woodland settings and adds a touch of brightness to naturalized areas or wildflower gardens.

22. Telosma cordata (Chinese Violet)

Telosma cordata

Image source: Pinterest

Chinese Violet is a vigorous vine that produces clusters of fragrant, star-shaped flowers in shades of purple or white. Native to Asia, it adds a touch of romance and fragrance to trellises, fences, or arbors. The sweet scent of its blossoms permeates the air, creating a captivating ambiance. Chinese Violet’s vigorous growth and ability to attract butterflies make it a popular choice for gardeners seeking an enchanting climber with both visual and olfactory appeal.

23. Triteleia laxa (Ithuriel’s Spear)

Triteleia laxa

Image source: Pinterest

Ithuriel’s Spear is a bulbous perennial that bears clusters of star-shaped flowers in shades of blue, purple, or white. It creates a delightful display in spring or early summer, attracting bees and butterflies.

24. Thunbergia erecta (King’s Mantle)

Thunbergia erecta

Image source: Pinterest

King’s Mantle is a shrubby perennial with showy, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of orange, yellow, or white. It is commonly used as a hedge or ornamental plant in tropical or subtropical regions.

25. Talinum paniculatum (Jewels of Opar)

Talinum paniculatum

Image source: Pinterest

ewels of Opar is a perennial herb that produces delicate clusters of tiny, star-shaped pink flowers. Originating from Africa and the Americas, it adds a delicate charm to rock gardens or borders. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Jewels of Opar is known for its edible leaves, which are rich in vitamins and can be used in salads or cooked as a nutritious green.

26. Tagetes erecta (African Marigold)

Tagetes erecta

Image source: Pinterest

African Marigold is an annual flower with large, double blooms in shades of yellow, orange, or red. These cheerful flowers are popular in flower beds, borders, or containers, attracting butterflies and repelling pests.

27. Tecoma stans (Yellow Bells)

Tecoma stans

Image source: Pinterest

Yellow Bells is a tall shrub or small tree that bears clusters of bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Native to the Americas, it thrives in warm climates and adds a vibrant splash of color to gardens or landscapes. The sunny yellow blooms, which resemble bells, create a cheerful atmosphere and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

28. Trachelium caeruleum (Blue Throatwort)

Trachelium caeruleum

Image source: Pinterest

Blue Throatwort is a perennial plant that produces clusters of small, tubular flowers in shades of blue, purple, or white. Its intricate blooms with their unique shape and charming hues add a touch of elegance to garden beds or floral arrangements. Known for its long-lasting flowers and ability to attract butterflies, Blue Throatwort is a beloved choice for gardeners seeking a reliable and visually appealing addition to their landscape.

29. Tweedia caerulea (Southern Star)

Tweedia caerulea

Image source: Pinterest

Southern Star is a twining perennial vine with delicate sky-blue flowers that resemble stars. Native to South America, it adds a touch of whimsy and charm to trellises, fences, or containers. Its dainty blooms and slender, trailing stems create an ethereal beauty, while its tolerance for heat and drought makes it suitable for various garden settings.

30. Tulipa praestans (Waterlily Tulip)

Tulipa praestans

Image source: Pinterest

Waterlily Tulip is a species tulip known for its bowl-shaped flowers that resemble water lilies. These vibrant blooms come in shades of red, orange, yellow, or pink and create a stunning display in spring gardens. With their unique shape and bold colors, Waterlily Tulips add an exotic touch to flower beds, borders, or containers.

31. Thunbergia mysorensis (Clock Vine)

Thunbergia mysorensis

Image source: Pinterest

Clock Vine is a vigorous, woody vine that produces cascading clusters of unusual, pendulous flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Its unique blooms resemble hanging clocks, hence the name, and make a striking statement in garden landscapes. Clock Vine’s vibrant colors and pendulous flowers create a captivating focal point when grown on arbors, trellises, or pergolas.

32. Thymophylla tenuiloba (Dahlberg Daisy)

Thymophylla tenuiloba

Image source: Pinterest

Dahlberg Daisy is a low-growing annual flower with feathery foliage and bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. It is drought-tolerant and thrives in hot, sunny locations, making it a perfect choice for xeriscapes or rock gardens. The cheerful blooms of Dahlberg Daisy carpet the ground, creating a carpet of yellow that adds a splash of color and attracts pollinators.

33. Tropaeolum majus ‘Empress of India’ (Nasturtium)

Tropaeolum majus 'Empress of India'

Image source: Pinterest

‘Empress of India’ is a cultivar of Nasturtium, an annual flower that produces showy, crimson-red flowers against vibrant green foliage. It adds a bold and regal touch to garden borders, containers, or hanging baskets. The brilliant red flowers of ‘Empress of India’ stand out in any garden setting, creating a striking contrast with its lush foliage.

34. Trifolium pratense (Red Clover)

Trifolium pratense

Image source: Pinterest

Red Clover is a perennial flower with vibrant pink to red-purple flower heads borne on long stalks. Not only is it visually appealing, but it also attracts pollinators and improves soil fertility as a nitrogen-fixing plant. Red Clover’s vibrant flower heads, composed of numerous individual florets, create a stunning spectacle in meadows, fields, or naturalized areas.

35. Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Columbine Meadow Rue)

Thalictrum aquilegifolium

Image source: Pinterest

Columbine Meadow Rue is a tall perennial known for its delicate, airy foliage and clusters of nodding flowers in shades of lavender, pink, or white. It adds an elegant, cottage-garden charm to shaded areas. The ethereal appearance of Columbine Meadow Rue, with its finely divided leaves and nodding flowers, imparts a sense of grace and delicacy to any garden.

36. Tagetes patula (French Marigold)

Tagetes patula

Image source: Pinterest

French Marigold is an annual flower known for its compact size and vibrant, single or double blooms in shades of yellow, orange, and red. It is valued for its pest-repellent properties and is often used in companion planting. French Marigolds bring a burst of vibrant color to flower beds, containers, or edging. Their pungent aroma and pest-repelling properties make them a popular choice for organic gardening, acting as natural deterrents to insects.

37. Thalictrum flavum (Meadow Rue)

Thalictrum flavum

Image source: Pinterest

Meadow Rue is a perennial flower that produces clusters of fluffy, yellow flowers atop tall, slender stems. Its airy appearance and soft hues make it an enchanting addition to cottage gardens or naturalistic landscapes. Meadow Rue’s delicate, feathery foliage and clusters of yellow flowers add a touch of elegance and charm to garden borders or woodland settings.

38. Trillium grandiflorum (White Trillium)

Trillium grandiflorum

Image source: Pinterest

White Trillium is a perennial woodland flower known for its iconic three-petaled white blooms. It thrives in shaded areas and adds a touch of elegance to naturalized gardens or woodland landscapes.

39. Tulipa gesneriana (Garden Tulip)

Tulipa gesneriana

Image source: Pinterest

Garden Tulip is a popular bulbous plant known for its large, cup-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors. These vibrant blooms make a stunning statement in spring gardens and are often used in floral arrangements.

40. Tropaeolum tuberosum (Mashua)

Tropaeolum tuberosum

Image source: Pinterest

Mashua is an Andean tuberous plant that produces colorful, tubular flowers in shades of red, orange, or yellow. It is cultivated both for its ornamental value and its edible tubers, which have a spicy, radish-like flavor.

41. Trifolium repens (White Clover)

Trifolium repens

Image source: Pinterest

White Clover is a perennial flower with small, white flower heads held on long stalks. It is commonly found in lawns and fields and is known for its nitrogen-fixing properties and its ability to attract pollinators.

42. Tricyrtis hirta (Toad Lily)

Tricyrtis hirta

Image source: Pinterest

Toad Lily is a shade-loving perennial that produces elegant, orchid-like flowers with speckled petals. The blooms often have intricate patterns and come in shades of white, pink, or purple. Toad Lilies are highly valued for their ability to add a touch of enchantment to woodland gardens or shady borders.

43. Tacca integrifolia (White Bat Flower)

Tacca integrifolia

Image source: Pinterest

White Bat Flower is a rare tropical plant with large, white flowers that resemble bats in flight. The striking blooms have long, spidery bracts and intricate details. White Bat Flower is highly sought after by collectors and adds a sense of intrigue and beauty to gardens or indoor plant displays.

44. Trillium erectum (Red Trillium)

Trillium erectum

Image source: Pinterest

Red Trillium is a woodland perennial that produces unique three-petaled flowers in shades of deep red or maroon. These striking blooms emerge in early spring and add a touch of elegance and beauty to shaded gardens or naturalized areas.

45. Thunia alba (Indian Copelandia)

Thunia alba

Image source: Pinterest

Indian Copelandia is an epiphytic orchid species that produces beautiful white flowers with delicate patterns and a lovely fragrance. It is prized for its exquisite blooms and is often cultivated by orchid enthusiasts or collectors.

Rosella Kemper
A self-confessed soccer mom, Rosella is a keen observer with an unmatched zest for life that she expresses through her writing. She loves writing and enjoys spending her free time journaling various events from the day.

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